Wednesday, January 31, 2018

#7 of 100 Elephants, Tall and Thin

With #7, I reacted to the stockiness of number 6 and went the opposite direction. Notice how I elongated the tusks as an added emphasis to the lankiness of the character. Not the most original, but it shows one way to think about the creative process and exploring options.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

#6 of #100 Elephants, Strong

For #6 I inverted the body shape. Normally I put the thinner part of the oval at the top. This created a stronger, more powerful and confident character.

Friday, January 26, 2018

#4 of 100 Elephants Sneaky

I pushed the creepy sneaky feeling of this elephant. I took some inspiration from Golem of The Lord of the Rings. One of the things I was most happy about was the idea to turn the tusks down. That continued to bring everything inward.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

#2 of 100 Elephants Goofy

For the second elephant I took some inspiration from Goofy. I pushed the thinness and awkward nature of the character. At the time I thought this was pretty extreme and a far cry from my normal elephant drawings.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

#1 of 100 Elephants

This last semester I gave my introductory visual arts class an assignment to create 100 somethings. I took the challenge myself and created 100 different elephants. It was an incredible exercise in creativity. I often found myself stuck and then would have this burst of inspiration using my ideas to unique and new directions. I also determined to go completely traditional and practice my use of the pen.

It was frustrating and exciting.

These will be on display in the Quimby Gallery at Lyndon State College between January 23 and March 16 as part of the the minuscule, wee teensy-weensy, tiny, itsy-bitsy, itty-bitty, eensy, infinitesimal, very small miniature diminutive, lilliputian mini art show with a mega LARGE title” exhibit. Anyone can create a work of art that is 2 x 3.5 inches and send it to the gallery between Jan 23 and March 13 and it will be hung.

In addition to that I will be selling the original 100 elephants for $5 each. If you are interested contact me. I am in the process of setting up an online store and will announce when that is done.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Community Art Event

I will once again be hosting a community art event in the Quimby Gallery. This year create a work of art that is 3.5 x 2 inches and get it to the Quimby Gallery between January 23 and March 16 to be hung in “The minuscule, wee teensy-weensy, tiny, itsy-bitsy, itty-bitty, eensy, infinitesimal, very small miniature diminutive, lilliputian mini art show with a mega Large title” exhibit.

I already have over 200 works of art. Starting January 23, I will be posting the progress of the show here, on my Instagram page and the Quimby Gallery Facebook page.